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About Cosmic Ajna Yoga

We are all unified, we exist on the same elemental cosmic planet, Earth, experience and are orbited by the same gleaming, transformative, gravitational Moon, and are given light energy from the same glorious star, our Sun.   They are a part of all our consciousness, and their energy flows through us.  We all exist as cosmic beings emanating from a Cosmic Supreme Consciousness that all life and the elements came to exist from, of great beauty and illuminating purpose.

I have been practicing yoga for 20 years.  My first 4 years I went to a yoga studio once a week, and I also attended a few yoga workshops in those years.  My first yoga class was the Ashtanga Primary Series, and I loved my experience.  I then discontinued going to the yoga studio, and began an at home deeply devoted private practice, and I have been doing so for 16 years now.  I dove deep into creating my own practices of asana, pranayama, meditation, and hasta mudras (hand seals).   I consciously evolved into meditation through inner intuitive guidance, and my practices became, and still are, a place of liberation and spiritual solace.  I had about 6 yoga books I used as a reference, the ancient history and philosophies have depth, meaning and become energetically alive in practice.  The practice of yoga goes far beyond the physical practice of the asanas (postures).  The asana is a physical, concentrated, meditative part, to the experience of the practice of yoga as a whole, and all the parts of Yoga combined is what makes it such a complete holistic mind, body, spiritual wellness practice. 

Yoga is an experienced awareness of energetic cosmic spiritual consciousness I live and practice, and it is of great value what I have to share with you.  I have created “Cosmic Ajna Yoga” as a means of teaching and sharing my experience and knowledge of yoga with you.  I hope it contributes to encouraging a deeper inner awareness of yourself as a cosmic being, essential in the existence of the larger universe.  You are of great importance in the Cosmic Universe.

The name “Cosmic Ajna Yoga” reflects how I have practiced Yoga, and it reflects how I am teaching you Yoga.  The practices I create for you all have a cosmic - spiritual theme, with a purpose of meditative consciousness awareness.  Sometimes I express meditations saying “I or me”, and sometimes I express them saying “you or your.”  I always mean them extended to you no matter how I express them, and they are intended to enrich your experience in the practices I create for you from my heart.  I hope you are encouraged and uplifted by them.

The first style of practice I’ve created for you are Hatha Vinyasa Flows, which are a fusion of asanas (postures), pranayama (deep, concentrated breathing), meditation (dhyana), and hasta mudras (hand seals).  I practice my Hatha Vinyasa Flows an hour and half to 2 hours, but I’ve made these for you an hour, to an hour and 20 minutes.  I’ve also created meditation practices that are a few simple asanas, with pranayama and hasta mudras, 15 - 30 minutes long.  I practice meditation several hours, but I've made these to be a convenient duration for everyone.  All revolve around, and within, a cosmic - spiritual theme.  Themes of the Earth, the Moon, the Sun, Constellations, the Elements, and our connectedness to them as emotional, spiritual beings of great value and illuminating purpose.

I've also created a "Sun Salutation A and B Instructional" video that spends more time on each pose in the sequences, offering more modifications and variations, and a "Seated Postures" video offering more modifications and variations.  Both are intended to be additional help for you to practice through the Hatha Vinyasa Flows, and meditation practices.

I record all of “Cosmic Ajna Yoga” practices for you on Florida’s Atlantic Space Coast, where I love to sky gaze meditate after sundown, on the shoreline, where the mind absorbs the energy of spectacular sunrises, moonrises, an open sea of beauty and blue sunlit skies.  The breath flows with the tides, and the night sky view sings a song of existence beyond the Earth.  Ultimately, the senses absorb into Ajna (the third-eye), and what is to be seen, heard, and known, illuminates through it.  

This is just the beginning of “Cosmic Ajna Yoga,” and what I have to share with you.  I have seven practices for you to start, you can read the descriptions for each one and see if it sounds like something you would like to practice. I welcome you to join me in this Cosmic Journey, no matter where you are on Earth, and mindfully practice the timeless ancient art of Yoga with me on Florida’s Atlantic Space Coast, breathing with the tides.

The light in me, bows to the light in you.


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My Certifications:

RYT-200 Hour (Yoga Alliance Registered)

  (Online Yoga School, Yoga & Ayurveda Center)

Yin Yoga Certification

Restorative Yoga Certification

Ayurveda Certification

Chair Yoga Certification

My College Education:

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor.  "Bachelor of Arts," College of Literature, Science, and Arts, Psychology major.

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What Yoga Practices are Included

Monthly $18.00 Subscription includes a collection of 9 Yoga Practice videos, a Welcome video, & instant access to all future Yoga videos as I complete them, recorded on Florida’s Atlantic Space Coast. You can read a description about each of these practices below.   On the Coming Soon section, I will list a "Coming Soon. . ." practice that I am currently in the process of recording for you.


Sunrise Meditation (Supine, Seated, and Standing), with Pranayama and Hasta Mudras (Hand Seals).  “Rise Over The Horizon.”

This is a meditative practice of deep, connective appreciation for our Sun (Surya), closest Star in the Cosmos to us.  Our need for pure light to give us abundant life here on Earth, and consciously within us.  Our mindful appreciation in practice with the breath lifts us into light, and carries us into a deeper consciousness awareness.  I guide you through the meditation in 3 posture phases (simple asanas), supine (lying on the back), seated, and then standing.  I'm sharing from my own consciousness meditative experience.  All meditations come from my heart, consciously shared and extended to you. Rising over the Horizon with the Sun in this practice, I hope you are uplifted and refreshed.  (31:10) (Photo: Tadasana - Mountain Pose,  with Anjali Mudra -  Salutation Seal).  (Additional text in video channel description).

Moon Gaze Meditation (Supine, Seated, and Standing), with Pranayama and Hasta Mudras (Hand Seals).  “Dissolving The Distance.”

I’m expressing meditations that are reflective of what I actually consciously experience in my many years of moon gaze meditating. I guide you through the meditation in 3 posture phases (simple asanas), supine (lying on the back), seated, and then standing, all practiced with pranayama and hasta mudras (hand seals).  I’ve made this practice 18 minutes for you, but I actually practice this for several hours.  In reality of consciousness, I dissolve the distance between myself and the Moon, and experience a higher state of fusion with it. We are all under and within the energy of it’s gravity and presence, as it reveals itself to everyone and completes its pathway orbiting our Earth, for all eyes to see, and it’s presence to be felt.  (18:14)  (Photo:  Vajrasana - Thunderbolt Pose, with arms extended).  (Additional text in video channel description).

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Earth Month Solar Eclipse Meditation (Seated and Standing) with Hasta Mudras (Hand Seals). "We Are Eclipsed"

The April 8, 2024 Solar Eclipse was a Cosmic extraordinary phenomenon.  I hope you are uplifted, refreshed, and renewed in practicing this solar eclipse awareness meditation.  I encourage wholeness within, to the Earth, the Moon, and the Sun.  Their energies flow through us.  I recorded this for you at Moonrise, Sunrise, and Daytime, breathing with the tides.
This practice includes Hasta Mudras (Hand Seals), simple seated postures, and then we end in Tadasana (Mountain Pose).  I am teaching this practice guiding slow paced, deep breaths.  Your breath is so important to your practice, if you need to take more breaths during this practice please do so. (23:27). (Photo: Tadasana - Mountain Pose with open palms).

Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar) Hatha Vinyasa Flow with Pranayama, Meditation, and Hasta Mudras (Hand Seals). “Fly Into The Sun.”

This Hatha Vinyasa Flow is inspired by our ancient connection as human beings to our Sun, the closest Star to us in the Cosmos, and our need for pure light to give us abundant life here on Earth, and consciously within us.  Our conscious appreciation in practice lifts us into the Sun, and into light. This practice begins with a seated concentration, breath awareness meditation, spinal warm-up and awakening.  After a concentrated Tadasana I guide you through a vinyasa breath flow of 8 Sun Salutations, mindfully expressed with the Sun.  We continue our consciousness flight into the Sun with Garudasana (Eagle Pose), 2 seated meditations with Hasta Mudras (hand seals), a prone (on the belly) backbend flow, and then final absorption in restorative asanas, Savasana.  (1:20:31)  (Photo:  Garudasana - Eagle Pose). (Additional text in video channel description).


Moon Salutation (Chandra Namaskar) Hatha Vinyasa Flow with Pranayama, Meditation, and Hasta Mudras (Hand Seals).  “Inhale Into The Moonlight.”

This Hatha Vinyasa Flow practice is inspired by our companion, Earth’s ancient satellite the Moon. As always I’m expressing from consciousness experience of my practice, and my many Moons of moon gaze concentration and meditating.  A pure entity of beauty and encouragement.  This practice begins with a seated concentration, breath awareness meditation, spinal warm-up and awakening.  I guide you through a breath flow of asanas mindfully expressed with the Moon, 2 seated meditations with Hasta Mudras, and then final absorption in restorative asanas, Savasana.  Some of the poses are Utthita Tadasana (Star Pose), Utthita Trikonasana (Extended Triangle Pose), Parighasana (Gate Pose), and Utkata Konasana (Goddess Pose).  (1:03:38)  (Photo: Anjaneyasana - Low Crescent Moon Lunge.  Behind me is the Moon, and the planet Mars in the upper right.)  (Additional text in video channel description).

Water Salutation Hatha Vinyasa Flow with Pranayama, Meditation, and Hasta Mudras (Hand Seals). “Flow Into The Waters.”

This Hatha Vinyasa Flow Practice is inspired by our elemental vital source for all life, “Water,” and it’s beauty and force in the Universe.  I’m expressing a consciousness appreciation, and awareness, with the breath, of our existence in unity with water.  This practice includes a lot of hip opening (external rotation of the hip) asanas, including Janu Sirsasana A, Kapotasana (Pigeon Pose), and Padmasana (Full Lotus), and/or Ardha Padmasana (Half - Lotus).  This practice begins with a seated concentration, breath connection meditation, spinal warm-up and awakening.  After practicing Tadasana, I guide you through a breath flow of Sun Salutations, a variation with Anjaneyasana (Low Crescent Moon Lunge), 2 seated meditations with Hasta Mudras (Hand Seals), also Setu Bandha Sarvangasana (Bridge Pose) and other asanas, and then final absorption in restorative asanas, Savasana.  (1:15:48)  (Photo:  Balasana - Child's Pose).  (Additional text in video channel  description).

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Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar) A and B Instructional with Variations and Modifications

It is physically, energetically, and consciously uplifting and calming to practice your breath in movement through asana, and also in stillness. Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar) A and B are each a sequence of asanas that are linked through your breath and movement.  I flow through several of them when I practice my Hatha Vinyasa Flows at a pace that gets my heart rate up, and heats my body.  The Sun Salutations in practice energetically awaken the free flow of energy (prana) in the body, especially when practiced with a consciousness awareness and appreciation for the energy of the Sun, our connective need for the Sun, and our place in the Cosmos with it.  I reflect on this further for you in the introduction of this video, I recorded on a morning I was meditating during Sunrise.  If you’ve never practiced the Sun Salutations or maybe you would just like to see my perspective on them, and if anything I express speaks to you, I go through instructions for each asana (posture), some modifications and variations, and then we’re going to flow through the sequences with the breath. It’s good to spend some time practicing each pose, and then practice flowing through the sequence, in the variation, or modifications that are most accessible for you.  Your Sun Salutation will become personalized to you as you continue to orbit the Sun into your Cosmic Future. (51:34). (Photo: Virabhadrasana I - Warrior I). (Additional text in video channel description).

Seated Postures Instructional with Variations and Modifications

In all the practices I create for you, I include seated meditation. I direct you to come into a comfortable crossed legged seated posture, or guide you into Vajrasana (sitting on your heels), or Virasana (sitting in between your heels).  I created this video to offer additional variations and modifications that might help you come into a more comfortable and accessible seated posture for practicing meditations.  I created this, with the intention that it may help you explore, and maybe find your favorite seated posture of some of the most ancient seated meditation asanas.  Some may not be as comfortable for you, while others are. If the pose is not accessible for you to get into, don’t try to force yourself into it, there will be another one that is accessible and comfortable.  I recommend viewing, and going through this video, if you are new to the practice of yoga, or you just want to see if there is anything I’m teaching that helps you further your practice and speaks to you. (30:38). (Photo: Padmasana - Full Lotus).  (Additional text in video channel description).

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Full Moon Meditation (Seated) , February 2024 Full Snow Moon, with Pranayama and Hasta Mudras (Hand Seals). "The Moonlit Path"

I Moon gaze meditated Saturday, February 24th and Sunday, February 25th on Florida's Space Coast during the rising Full Snow Moon, and what is culturally known as the conclusion of Lunar New Year.  The Sky was spectacularly clear, and of my several hours of meditating, I recorded this for you to practice from my heart to yours.  Anytime you feel you need clarity of mind, this would be good for you to practice.  Our Moon never stops going through its phases, and meditatively and energetically it can help you through yours.  I guide you through a series of Hasta Mudras (Hand Seals), with the breath, to arrive into an awareness of mind clarity and space, for your inner wisdom to shine forth, into your greatest sense, Ajna (the third-eye).  It may help calm racing thoughts, diminish negative thoughts, inspire creativity, and direct energy upward. (18:41).

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Coming Soon.......

Cosmic Constellation Hatha Vinyasa Flow with Pranayama, Meditation, and Hasta Mudras (Hand Seals). "Into the Wings of Pegasus and The Phoenix."

I am currently recording this for you, and it will be rising over the Horizon for you to see and practice soon.

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Sun🌞Salutation (Surya Namaskar) 🌅 A and B Instructional with Variations and Modifications

Sun🌞Salutation (Surya Namaskar) 🌅 A and B Instructional with Variations and Modifications

It is physically, energetically, and consciously uplifting and calming to practice your breath in movement through asana, and also in stillness. Sun Salutations (Surya Namaskar) A and B are each a sequence of asanas that are linked through your breath and movement.  I flow through several of them when I practice my Hatha Vinyasa Flows at a pace that gets my heart rate up, and heats my body.  The Sun Salutations in practice energetically awaken the free flow of energy (prana) in the body, especially when practiced with a consciousness awareness and appreciation for the energy of the Sun, our connective need for the Sun, and our place in the Cosmos with it.  I reflect on this further for you in the introduction of this video, I recorded on a morning I was meditating during Sunrise.  If you’ve never practiced the Sun Salutations or maybe you would just like to see my perspective on them, and if anything I express speaks to you, I go through instructions for each asana (posture), some modifications and variations, and then we’re going to flow through the sequences with the breath. It’s good to spend some time practicing each pose, and then practice flowing through the sequence, in the variation, or modifications that are most accessible for you. I will be making additional Sun Salutation A & B instructional videos with more modifications and variations. There is much more to be practiced and discovered in them, including my favorite way to practice Sun Salutation B. I hope you come to practice them into your Cosmic future, your Sun Salutation will become personalized to you as you continue to orbit the Sun into your Cosmic future. Asanas in Video: Tadasana (Mountain Pose) Uttanasana (Chair Pose) Ardha Uttanasana (Half Forward Fold) Phalakasana (Plank) Phalakasana (Modification from knees) Chatarunga Dandasana (Four Limbed Staff Pose) Urdhva Mukha Svanasana (Upward Facing Dog) Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog) Bhujangasana (Cobra with Straight Arms) Bhujangasana (Baby Cobra) Utkatasana (Chair Pose) Virabhadrasana I (Warrior I) Anjaneyasana (Low Crescent Moon Lunge) The Sun Salutations heat the body including the muscles, spine, and joints, which releases toxins. They stretch and strengthen the legs, arms, spine, and back. Also they are stretching and strengthening the feet, ankles, toes, wrists, hands, and fingers. They open the heart, hips, shoulders, and release the lower back. They prepare the body for more advanced asanas, and improve stamina. (Cover Photo: Tadasana - Mountain Pose, with hands in anjali mudra above the crown of head).
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